Nithesh Kumar Manimaran

A Data Science Enthusiast

About Me


My Projects

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Tech I Love

About Me

Hello! Hope you are doing well. I am excited to share about myself with an interested person like you. So thanks for having the Interest to come here.

Technology is immense and My passion for it too...

I am pursuing my Master's Degree in Data Science and Analytics at EPITA, France. I did my bachelor's Degree in Computer Science and Engineering at Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology, India.

Of all the years of growth and education, I, as a young boy was always inspired and thrilled about any new technology breakthroughs happening around me. That is what motivated me to have a future in a developing and constant updating field. So, here I am, in love with engineering and what I do.

My actual interest in Data Science, AI, and Machine Learning lit up in my mind when I was doing my Bachelor's Degree when I came to know about OpenAI 's AlphaGO defeating a GO professional player. I have often wondered why these AI and Machine Learning Techs are so good and powerful. My curiosity started throwing me in front towards the reason behind it, and from there it is still a never-ending learning curve. I love doing this because new things are always there for me to explore. Check below the tech I love - Thank you!

My Projects



A complete Data Visualization Project for full analysis football matches, players, football stadium revenues, best teams, clubs, players, etc. using Plotly, Docker, Streamlit, Pyplot, Matplotlib.

For Other Interesting projects please visit the Github link below.

What I do - and - What I love

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My Favourite Quote

Those who strive with the undismayed, unfaltering mind, At length, can overcome even the opposing fate.

Originated From:

ஊழையும் உப்பக்கம் காண்பர் உலைவின்றித்

தாழாது உஞற்று பவர். - Thirukural : 620